Heating main – heat delivery channel from the source that performs it to buyers. From the ways of laying it, the quality of installation work, isolation and anti -corrosion properties of the materials used, not only safety and reliability are dependent, but also the service life of the heating main and its ability to deliver heat energy to residential and industrial objects and structures without losses.
Stages of design, laying and repair work of heating mains, strongly ask for specialized equipment, a wide approach, the use of progressive materials and technologies, the presence of enormous experience and professionalism. Building absolutely any heating main starts from the creation of the project. Therefore, how the project will be developed correctly and to what extent all the distinctive features of the terrain and located around the environment will be adequately taken into account, there will be in various aspects to be the speed of construction and the subsequent property of the work of the heating system. And there the selection of pipes and other sufficient materials is made there. PPU pipes are different in the construction of heating mains, have every chance of being all sorts and are dependent on the manufacturer.
Zatom will start the stage of excavation and laying the heating main in the ratio with the project and the approvals conducted. To begin with, the highways are broken, and there are earthen functioning and the arrangement of supports, after which they proceed to the installation of the pipeline, compensation devices, welding, installation of valves (shut-off valves) and ennoble the heat and waterproofing systems and waterproofing systems. At the final stage of installation, conduct a control test of the heat network, preparation of neat documentation and improve the territory where the works were conducted. The distinctive features of the operation of heating mains are strongly asking for a specific and rich observance of the rules for the manufacture of installation work and tireless improvement of ordinary technologies.