Unfortunately, not all corners of our country have reached the elements of a civilized life. For example, in most villages there is no central sewage system. How to be in this case, what should be done? There is a way out of this situation, it is necessary to build a septic tank with your own hands for the house. Next, we will try to tell you the main nuances of construction.
The first stage of the construction of the septic tank is related to the preparation of the foundation pit. The most common size of the pit 2 by 2 by 2, that is, 8 cubic meters. If desired, the pit can be large. When the pit is ready to go to the formwork. For the manufacture of formwork, it is necessary to stock up on the sheets of the OSB and the timber.
In each sheet, at a distance of about 30 cm from each other, cut round holes. The diameter of one hole is approximately 10 cm. The beam must be attached to the edges of all the OSB sheets. It is best every 50 cm of sheet to fix the bars. Next, install the formwork in a pit (foundation pit) after plugging holes with plastic sleeves. Sleeves should enter the ground. Next, we must pour concrete. Concrete grasps and dries up for 2 days, consider this. When the concrete dries, remove the formwork. Now we need to install a bulkhead. Septic tank must be divided into two parts.
Water will be collected in one part, which will be absorbed into the ground, in the other will be collected in a firm form. Material for the pie – concrete or brick. 40 cm. Below the drain pipe is made of the overflow. For better work, you still need to break the pits with a depth of 2 m and cover them with a net, then the bottom of the pit is covered with rubble. At the last stage of construction work, we close the pit, not forgetting that we should have access to clean the septic tank. That’s all, all the main stages of work are told. The septic tank needs to be regularly cleaned, it is unpleasant work and it is better to entrust it to specialists at the link /septik_dlya_doma can find all the necessary information.