Bulletin is a device of quick and natural combustion of breast milk. “Do you buy a dairy?” – such a question necessarily arises in a young mother or woman who is preparing to become a mother. Previously, doctors persistently recommended to constantly express milk. To date, experts have come to the opposite opinion that it is not necessary to express breast milk at all.
The purpose of the use of the dairy is not to be free from feeding, but to make life easier for a young mother. In any case, it is necessary to tune in to the natural feeding of the child with breasts, and use the breast pump in cases where you can not do without sinking.
If accumulation is still necessary and the young mother decides to use the dairy bias, you need to carefully approach this issue. When choosing a breast pump, decide, for the purpose of it you need and already on the basis of this, give preference to one or another model:
Electric Milk -Otto or Piston with a “petal” nozzle is suitable for frequent combustion. The advantage of such a dairy is saving time, but the disadvantages include a fairly high price. Both breasts are accumulated at the same time without applying physical efforts;
Piston Bulletin. Complay is based on breast stimulation, at the same time with which the breast massage occurs, which provides the natural release of milk. Such a breast pump imitates the sucking of the child;
Pompovye or Mulkotsyos pear. It serves more for safety and suitable in case of a problem situation. Categorically not suitable for frequent use, as it can cause the appearance of the cracks of the nipples. Such dairy bias are not expensive, but they may simply not come up to you. It happens that mechanical daily pumps simply do not pull milk. Low performance, the absence of a bottle requires frequent transfusion of milk;
Electronic Milk -Ossos. Professional option, has microprocessor control and is used mainly in maternity hospitals.
When choosing a breast pump, many factors need to be taken into account. Take a hurry to make a purchase, first start breastfeed, and then, if the need for mechanical combustion arises, select and purchase a dairy. Before using the dairy pump, be sure to carefully read the operating instructions.