It is necessary to prepare for the choice of gifts for the New Year in advance, and this must be done carefully. After all, every person is pleased to get a welcome present that will cause him a real joy than a gift that has nothing to do with his interests and needs, whose fate is gathering dust in the closet. In addition, it is in New Year’s days that even adults and serious people wait for their desires, which can be contributed to a lot with the help of a correctly selected gift. And this is not the only reason why you should choose a gift for the New Year carefully – each thing costs money, and certainly no one wants to throw its money down the wind, acquiring an unnecessary present. Therefore, it makes sense to talk about how to choose New Year’s gifts correctly and competently, in more detail.
First of all, find a sufficient amount of time to prepare for the choice of gifts and to buy gifts – making a choice in a hurry, you risk making mistakes.
First, make a list of those people whom you would like to give on New Year’s days. Turn there not only your loved ones and relatives, but also those whose present will perform a symbolic function. Do not hope your memory – even if you have it very good, in the New Year’s turmoil it can let you down, and then one of the people close to you will be deprived of your attention.
The next stage in preparation for the acquisition of New Year’s gifts is to determine your material costs. To do this, next to the listed list, indicate the amount with which you are ready to part and, based on it, distribute the list to several groups at the cost of gifts. So, for example, in one group you will have members of your family, gifts for which will naturally be more expensive than gifts for colleagues.
Next, in front of each name, indicate all the possible options for New Year’s presentations that can really be purchased for the amount you specified. At the same time, one should not forget that before the New Year, many souvenirs become more expensive.
When you come to the store, try to take into account all the preferences of the donee known to you most fully. When choosing a New Year’s gift, it is advisable to be guided by the desire to please a person close to you, and not the desire to just give something. When choosing gifts for the people closest to you, do not think with stereotypes – not all women dream of getting perfumes on New Year’s Eve from the hands of their loved one, and not all representatives of the stronger sex are pleased to become the owner of the next couple, even expensive and high -quality. socks. And even more so, do not upset women with such gifts as pans, pots or tacks – believe me that they did not dream about that at all.
When all the gifts are already purchased by you, buy a few more souvenirs, as they say, “in reserve”. After all, it is possible at all that on New Year’s Eve or on the following holidays, guests will not come to you, for example, neighbors or uninvited guests – on such days to meet even uninvited guests without a gift is not customary.
Do not forget that everyone, even the cheapest present, requires packaging, which should also be taken care of in advance. You can turn to specialists who will help you festively pack any gift, or do it yourself – maybe it will not be so beautiful, but such a package will store the warmth of your hands.
When presenting a gift, it is equally important and how you will present it. To do this, prepare a few funny and original congratulatory words in advance, with which you will accompany your New Year’s gift.